Inspired by my son

Many years ago when my son was a lot younger I used to take him to a top soccer school. When he was about 7 years old he got lucky and made it into one of the teams.

As me and my son believed he could make it as a professional footballer I also started taking him to a junior soccer school at the same time. Whilst attending with my son I started noticing coaches were teaching and training the older kids with different skills and techniques in which I tried to remember as much as I could so we could practice as many drills and skills as possible in our free time just to try and give him an advantage.

All about skills training

As a general rule with my sons training in his free time I would always encourage him to practise with both feet and both sides of his body, note through our years of training together it wasn’t easy to keep my son interested in working on his week side and enjoy it too which is the key to success in my eyes.

Anyway to cut a long story short, one day at the junior soccer school, my son was in his class and I started watching what the coach was doing which was quite intriguing to me.

An idea sparked

During the training session, the coach had a football at his left foot and proceeded to turn to his side and roll the ball onto the outside of his left foot and started doing kick ups, he kept the ball under control for some time and asked his pupils to repeat the task he just set.

At the time also there must have had at least 20 or more pupils in his class and when they tried the exercise balls just went flying everywhere and drill quickly was extinguished and the more advanced pupils lost out.

Quick feet

In this moment of time I thought to myself, how could I get my son to practice this on both sides of his feet and enjoy it? As when training if you keep losing the ball it becomes very easy to give up on the skill or drill your practicing.

Bang! Yes, the big bang that’s it what if the ball keeps coming back to you I thought in the same position this would allow him to develop his technique of the skill in question plus his style and control and not want to give up like he would if he kept losing the ball, So that very same I went home and drew on paper the Under – Control in a very basic form but it worked on paper it worked.

Under Control was born

I’m so glad I put the under – Control down on paper because from that moment it has just expanded and expanded in its own universe of Under – Control its possibilities are endless.

Please also in the picture don’t look at my son as my son but see the symbol he represents as this is the true symbol of Under – Control and the reason why it’s here, the globe represent the world at your feet and in the football world it’s a language that everyone understands no matter what part of the world your from if you love football….

Begin your under control experience

Start improving your performance today.