HTFC Ladies

“In terms of it coming into their game, every single time in training now when it’s on their left foot they are using it. We’ve got a couple of the girls now that have already scored with their left foot twice this season, and that’s just in the first two games. That was unheard of last year.”

Alan Eastwood

Under 13’s Manager at Huddersfield Town Ladies



“I think the unit is really useful for development players and for those who need to improve their coordination and technique. I also think the unit would be useful for those who are recovering from injury as the unit allows you to change the ball to different heights, different resistance strengths and there are many different skills and drills you can do. At WRCFA we’ve managed to use this unit for a few different disability football events and it’s allowed those individuals who don’t often get a touch of the ball to practice on their own and try different things. I would definitely recommend the unit to others especially to help develop those players who aren’t very advanced.”

Colan Leung

Disability Football Development Officer
West Riding County Football Association


“Under Control has been the perfect piece of training equipment. Working with a number of children at various ability levels, in a coaching capacity, it has helped in developing agility, balance and coordination for those children new to football and enhanced them for those that have been in the game for a while.

It’s great for children to learn how to manipulate the ball accurately and confidently; improving their control, speed and accuracy. The added benefit is enhancing the children’s ability to play with both feet.

I would definitely recommend that Under Control is added to the list of training equipment for coaches involved in the Youth game.”

Dave Smith

Deft Football

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